Communion, or Eucharist, is first and foremost Christ drawing near to us in the grace of the Sacrament. At the Eucharist, we remember the great love of God and Jesus’ saving grace; His life, death and resurrection, which brings us new life. We give thanks for the grace of the sacrament and the promise of full unity with God.
At Mass, we offer God gifts of bread and wine. God returns our gifts of bread and wine as Jesus. The Eucharist is truly a remarkable and special gift from our Lord. It is the source and summit of our Faith.
Does your child need to receive their First Holy Communion?
Children typically recieve their First Eucharist in the Spring of 2nd grade. Parish school children receieve formation during the school day. Public school and home-schooled children receieve formation in after school Religious Education classes. If your child needs to receive this sacrament (even if they are older than 2nd grade), please contact Shawna Davidson in the Catechesis office or go HERE for more information.