Are you interested in a little fellowship and fun?
are you Looking for a way to learn and grow in your faith?
do you Want to find more meaning in the Scriptures & Mass readings?
Thursday Morning Men's Group Join us every Thursday morning for a little coffee, food, fellowship, and reflection on the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. We meet immediately following the 6:40 am Mass in the lower level of the church and we are finished by 8 a.m.
No Commitment Necessary Just show up! Come every week or come when you can. Or if you'd like, just sign up to receive a weekly email with the readings and reflection questions.
Men of St. Michael Prayer Almighty Father, help us become spiritual men of prayer. We desire to love You and others more than ourselves. Guide us to be more caring, loving, and giving to those led fortunate. Teach us your ways. Your word needs to be more the basis of our lives. Give us a keen desire to make ourselves mirrors of You. We dedicate ourselves to You, to the Word and to the reality of this hope You promised us. Be with us and sharpen us as instruments for You. Lead us to becoming all we can be for Your glory. AMEN!
Please contact Chris Hillyer for more information. 816-560-8476