Please pray for the recently deceased and for the comfort of their families.
Did you know that we have a group of parishioners committed to praying for your special intentions? The purpose of our prayer chain is to provide spiritual support through the power of intercessory prayer. Please contact the parish office at 913-402-3900 to be added to the prayer chain.
Join us for the Community Prayer for the Sick (Peregrine Devotion)
Other Prayers for the Sick & Dying
Immediate family members can call the parish office to request that a loved one be added to the bulletin and mass petitions. The name of your loved one will be read aloud at mass for five weeks and listed in the bulletin until asked to be removed.
For more information or to add your family member, call our Parish office at 913-402-3900.
Each Mass that a priest says, is offered in sacrifice for a particular intention. This is different than being added to Mass Petitions. We can offer Masses for you or your loved one in the following ways.
1. Repose of the Soul- for those who have passed away. A Mass intention for a deceased child under the age of eight will be
recorded as a Special Intention, "For the family of..."
2. Special Intention- For a living person with a private special
Repose of the Soul and Special Intention will be listed in the Bulletin the week of their occurrence.
$10 suggested donation per Mass.
To have a Mass offered for someone, please contact our parish office receptionist for available dates at 913-402-3900.