Parables and Pubs at Brew Lab, on the second Tuesday of the month, is a unique experience.
Upcoming Dates:It’s nothing special but sometimes profound.
There is no better place to bring a friend and talk about deep things while sipping on a beverage. With live music, a short parable, and a great atmosphere, we can all hopefully journey to something better.A Catholic Young Adult Community in Kansas City
Large Events - Sports Leagues - Weekly Small Groups - Retreats - Pilgimages
Whether you’re searching for community, looking to grow deeper in your faith or seeking answers to questions about the Catholic Church, there’s a place for you in all areas of Kansas City, from the Kansas-side to the Missouri-side you’ll find a home here!
How do you get involved in City on a Hill? The answer is simple: “Show up!” In the Gospels, Jesus builds relationships by showing up and encountering others. If you are longing for community, attend an event this week!
More information HERE
Find Christ in the workplace—and make real friends for the journey!
You're not meant to do it alone. Come belong to the nation’s largest young professional Catholic network. Together, we’ll learn to live and share our Catholic faith through our daily work.
More information HERE